
Showing posts from May, 2019

Ayam Masak Merah

This is one Malay chicken dish that is not very spicy and suitable for the children. It contains many ingredients with health benefits too. Tumeric is anti-cancer and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C. Ingredients: - 2kg of chicken wings - 4 large tomatoes, cut into dice - 3 stalks of lemon grass - 30g of ginger - 5 cloves of garlic - 3 cinnamon sticks - 1 tablespoon of tumeric powder - 5 anistar - 8 cardamon pods - 1 tablespoon of fernel seeds - 1 tablespoon of coriander powder - 1 tablespoon of salt - 1 tablespoon. Of sugar - 1 can of tomato paste - 3 tablespoons of tomato ketchup - 6 shallots - 1 red onion Procedures 1) Blend red onion, shallots, ginger and lemon grass into a paste. 2) In a frying pan, add a little vegetable oil. Fry the blended paste until fragrant. 3) Add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato ketchup. 4) Add chicken and stir well. 5) Add tumeric powder, cinnamon sticks, anistars, cardamon pods, fernel seeds and coriander powder. Stir

Butter Garlic Herbs Baked Salmon

Garlic Butter Herbs Baked Salmon - another dish that just requires less than 30 minutes to prepare. Suitable for a weekday dinner too. Ingredients: - 1 piece of salmon fillet (around 200g in total) - 50g of butter - 1 teaspoon of mixed herbs - 1 pinch of salt (if use unsalted butter) - 4 cloves of garlic, crushed Procedures: 1) To soften butter, add herbs, garlic and salt. Mix them well. 2) Wash and dry salmon steak. Spread a little butter mix on the salmon skin. Lay it on a baking paper skin-side down. Spread the rest of the butter on top of the salmon. 3) Wrap the salmon in the baking paper. Bake in the oven at 180 degree celsius for 15-20 minutes. Serve.

Baked Turmeric Chicken Wings

I am very bad at frying. Today, I made Nasi Lemak for dinner and I decided to bake the Tumeric Chicken Wings rather than fry it. Ingredients:  - 2kg of chicken mid-joint wings  - 2 stalks of lemon grass  - 50g of ginger  - 5 cloves of garlic  - 2 tablespoons of salt  - 3 tablespoons of Chinese huatiao wine  - 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds  - 2 tablespoons of tumeric powder  - 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt  Procedures: 1) Blend lemon grass, ginger and garlic.  2) Add the blended ingredients to the chicken wings, add all other spices and seasoning.  Let them marinate for at least 1 hour.  3) Lay them in a baking tray. Brush with vegetable oil. Bake at 180 degree celsius for 25 minutes. Serve.