Easy Basil Mashed Potato

This is a hassle-free recipe for mashed potatoes. Typically, one will need a few pots and a strainer to make mashed potatoes. This involves some amount of washing. For this recipe, you only need to wash one pot! 

- 5 large Russet potatoes 
- 1 packet of fresh basil 
- 1 can of nestle cream 
- 5 cloves of garlic, minced
- suitable amount of olive oil 
- salt and pepper 

1) Cut Russet potatoes into cubes. Place it in a pot. Add enough water to just cover the potatoes. 
2) Boil it until the water dries up and the potatoes are soft. 
3) Mash the potatoes in the same pot. 
4) Add chopped (or blended) basil, minced garlic, olive oil, cream, salt and pepper to taste. 


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