Garlic Shrimp and Chicken Puffs

This is another recipe that makes use of roti prata pastry. It is simple yet impressive.

- 50g of tomatos, diced
- 200g prawns, diced
- 250g of chicken meat
- 1 bulbs of garlic, minced
- 1 can pastata
- any suitable vegetables (spinach, zucchini)
- 6 roti prata pastries, cut into halves
- 1 chicken cube
- salt, sugar, pepper
- 250g of mozarella cheese

1) In a frying pan, add some vegetable oil and fry garlic until fragrant.
2) Add prawns, chicken, tomatos and vegetables and fry until soft.
3) Add pastata, mozarella cheese and season with chicken cube salt, sugar and pepper to preferred taste. Let the garlic prawns cool to room temperature.
4) Foil it into half a roti prata pastry. Bake at 180 degree celsius for 15 minutes. Serve.


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