Egg Tarts

Egg Tarts is my elder boy's favourite dim sum snack. These few weeks, he has been studying hard for his End-of-year Examination. So, I have decided to make this snack to reward him.

Ingredients (15 egg tarts):
- 4 eggs 
- 1/4 cup of caster sugar
- 1 can of nestle all-purpose cream
- milk 
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
- stored-bought pastry shells 

1) In a measuring jug, empty a can of all-purpose cream. Add milk until the total volume is 250ml.
3) Heat up milk-cream mixture slightly. Dissolve caster sugar in the milk-cream mixture. Let it cool. 
3) Whisk the eggs. 
4) Mix the eggs with the milk-cream mixture. Add vanilla extract. Pass the custard mixture through a fine sieve. 
5) Pour the custard mixture in the tart shells. Bake at 180 degree celsius for 20 minutes. 


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