
Chawanmushi is my elder boy's must-order dish at the Japanese resturants. As it is so easy to make, we occasionally have it at home too.

Ingredients (for 6 chawanmushi) :
- 3 eggs
- 400 ml dashi stock/water
- 6 pieces of tofu cubes
- 6 pieces of chicken
- 3 pieces of shitake mushrooms, sliced
- spring onions, chopped
- half a chicken cube
- 1 tablespoon light soya sauce
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of sake
- salt

1) In 6 cups, add chicken pieces, tofu pieces and shitake mushroom slices. You may add other ingredients such as Japanese fish cakes, gingko nuts, carrots etc.
2) In a mixing bowl, beat up 3 eggs lightly.
3) In 400ml of dashi stock/water, add chicken cube, light soya sauce, sake, sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix well.
4) Gently mix the stock into the beaten eggs. Drain the egg mixture through a sieve.
5) Pour the egg mix into the cups. Sprinkle some spring onions.
6) Steam for 15 minutes, cover with kitchen towel. Serve.


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